Heating storatge steam generating equipment

The energy storage steam generation device uses cheap electrical energy during the low ebb period at night to convert electrical energy into high-temperature heat energy and store it in the heat storage body of the device. When using heat, the fan operates to allow air to flow through the heat storage body, exchanging heat from the heat storage body into high-temperature hot air. After passing through a heat pipe heat exchanger, high-temperature hot air heats the water in the upper steam drum, generating steam for use. If superheated steam is required, a superheater can also be installed on the pipeline to reheat the generated steam through hot air to meet the high-temperature steam output requirements.


Solid storage heating device


High pressure electrode boiler, air waste heat recovery machine



Heating storatge steam generating equipment

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We specialize in the research and development and production of clean heating products such as solid electric energy storage heating devices, high-voltage electrode boilers, air waste heat recovery machines, electric coal substitutes, wind power heating, and peak shaving.


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